What Happens During a Spinal and Postural Screening?

When it comes to your posture and spinal health, good posture and proper spinal position are important for optimum health. Unfortunately, people become so occupied with their everyday routine and activities that their spinal health and posture are the last of their worries.


Your posture is a big contributor to the health of your spine. You should work to keep your spine healthy by checking in with your chiropractor from time to time for spinal and postural screenings.


What Is a Spinal and Postural Screening?


Spinal and postural screening is a painless physical exam that helps reveal any major problems involving the nerves, soft tissue, muscles, and bones in the spine. The test helps identify problems in your back before the issues become severe.


In many cases, a spinal and postural screening may expose problems with your posture you did not know you had, including scoliosis. This screening is essential because problems with posture usually progress slowly, making them hard to notice.


What Happens During the Screening?


During the screening, the chiropractor will examine your spinal joints, soft tissues, and muscles around the joints. Particularly, the chiropractor will check for problems in the way your spine curves as you move and other irregularities that can affect your general posture and spine health. They will evaluate your range of movement, pain areas, and any imbalance in your spine.


In some instances, your chiropractor may use X-rays or other forms of imaging to have a closer look at your back, spinal tissues, and muscles. After that, your chiropractor will give you suggestions on what physical workouts you can do at home to improve your health. Additionally, they will recommend a treatment plan that you can follow during routine visits.


Why Is Spinal and Postural Screening Important?


One reason is to help detect spinal issues early, as treatment is much easier in early stages. Your body is meant to have all its parts balanced. This means that when your head, shoulders, neck, spine, ribs, and lower back are not properly positioned, you can develop spinal injuries and illnesses.


Some illnesses that a spinal and postural screening can detect include:


  • Scoliosis

  • Disc and muscle injuries

  • Persistent headaches

  • Muscle pulls or strains

  • Shoulder injuries

  • Back or neck pain


Should You Get a Spinal and Postural Screening?


Getting a spinal and postural screening can improve your general health and fitness. The test will give you key insight into your spinal health. You will have a clearer picture of how your spine works and what you can do to keep it healthy without any imbalances.


Contact Your Chiropractor for Therapy Today


You can trust an experienced chiropractor to come up with a well-organized and practical plan of treatment. Your chiro will then work with you to help build a stronger spine and back to improve the quality of your life.


To learn more about what happens during a spinal and postural screening or to schedule an appointment, call Back and Neck Pain Centers at our offices in our 2 Seattle locations, (206) 233-0818 or (206) 772-0088; Bellevue, (425) 649-9335; or Tukwila, Washington, (425) 243-1200. 

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