Danial Brennan, DC

Danial Brennan, DC

Daniel Brennan, DC

Dr. Brennan attended undergraduate studies in Michigan before graduating from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa in 2013 with a doctoral degree in chiropractic, as well as, a bachelor's degree in science. After obtaining his doctorate degree, he practiced in Las Vegas, Nevada until he moved to the Seattle region in 2019. He has always had an interest in health and the human body, as well as, being outside and being active. He currently lives in Auburn, WA and when he is not working, he enjoys spending time with his wife and dogs, preferably outside, or in his garage woodworking.

As a chiropractor, he has practiced extensively on injury cases from whiplash, falls, sports injuries, etc. In order to better assist people in achieving their health goals, he has taken and continues to take, multiple courses on Primary Spine Care, Spinal Biomechanical Engineering, Spinal Trauma Pathology, and Spinal MRI interpretation and reading. This has helped to better assist in finding, diagnosing, and treating his patients, as well as, educating patients about how pain works or why they are even having pain.

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